Modesto’s #1 Social Media Marketing Agency

Now that everyone in the world seems to have a Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram account, everyone seems to think they’re a marketer these days.

Sure, your niece or nephew might be able to handle posting photo updates to your church or organization’s social media feed to keep things current, but online marketing is a lot more complicated than most people know or realize.

Marketing is a legitimate art and science that takes serious (copious) amounts of study to understand and execute on.

When it comes to digital marketing strategies, such as social media marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, web design, social media management, content creation, video production, or reputation management – The Trinhoval Marketing Agency is your #1 choice in the Modesto, Turlock, Ceres, Merced and central valley area.

Why? Because we’ve done the aforementioned copious amounts of work to get there – and our results prove it.

But more than anything, our entire company was built upon the idea that, as a community-oriented Modesto marketing agency, we are working at ground zero with businesses, for businesses, toward their continued success. We are all about the local community and seeing to its economic growth. To achieve this, we specialize in:

Digital Marketing
Web Design
PPC Advertising
Facebook Advertising
Instagram Advertising
Social Media Management
Video Content Creation
Company Branding
…and more.

We proudly serve clients all over the world, but we take great pride in helping our local businesses thrive.

Modesto Area Businesses: Why Digital Marketing?

The Modesto area has always been, and probably always will be, a smaller, agriculturally-rich area. While there aren’t a whole lot of bigger businesses or corporations in the area, it is home to some of the world’s most well known and loved agricultural products and brands, such as Gallo Wines, including their E&J lines, cheese and dairy products, among others.

But the most interesting thing about that is this:

Every one of the big brands from this area are all brands with strong digital marketing and social media presences.

The thing about being in smaller locations is that they tend to be slower to adapt to change. And while that’s certainly a part of the area’s culture (I was born in Modesto, I know and am a part of that culture,) this isn’t something that benefits businesses. That’s because smart business is always, always predicated upon the ability to adapt. If you don’t adapt, then just like a tadpole out of water, you will eventually fail.

Make no mistake: Digital Marketing is important to Modesto area businesses.

One of the top local businesses here in the Modesto and Turlock area, (at least if you judge based on amount of cars that pile up in the drive through line clamoring impatiently for a bite,) is The Yogurt Mill. But The Yogurt Mill is also another local business with exceptional online marketing and social media presence. These should be clues.

If all the best brands in the Modesto area, the ones who have tons of support and patronage, or all brands with great online presences, what can a great online presence do for your business?

If you or someone you know owns a business that offers superb products or experiences and has excellent customer service in the Modesto or Turlock Metro areas who needs social media marketing or advertising, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’d love to discuss the myriad of creative ways that we can drive sales and retain customers on a continued basis.

At Trinhoval Marketing, we are only as successful as our local businesses.

Live together, thrive together.

– David

P.S. Enjoy this wonderful story branding video we shot for a local area business, Tony’s Custom Woodworks in Modesto.

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